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The Usual Suspects

Bike Week 2010 - Daytona Beach


Kenny Finlay, Kenny Tashian and Joe McGrath



Wayne Tindale, Joe McGrath, Kenny Tashian and Kenny Finlay



Captain Kostura, Kenny Finlay, Kenny Tashian, Mike Padula and Wayne Tindale




Mike's Bike and Wife Babs



A Moment In History

Wayne Tindale's Wallet Sees Daylight



The  Usual Suspects Take a Trip Down the Colorado


The Beginning


Away we Go!

Captain Kostura

Fred Weissner

Wayne Tindale

John Garis

        Chard - McGrath - Tashian - Weissner - Finlay - Tindale



Ken Finlay


Finlay - McGrath - Kostura



That's All Folks!